Canadian Online Casino Slots Statistics

The Canadian Gaming Association released a research issue of Ipsos dedicated to the Gambling Summit, which took place in Ottawa, 2016. The document, in particular, accumulated data and studies of the casino slots statistics. The basic objective of the survey was to analyze the ways how staking houses of fruit machines could master total offerings to keep and return customers constantly.

The statistics on the topic is based on the report of engaging Canadian citizens and online betting room pokies. They offer transactions in CAD, accept the same banking methods, operate under home regulations, licenses. And, of course, they are favorite among Canucks.
Slot Machines Analysis at Canadian Online Casino
The relevant study was conducted regarding the play market, participation, and general speculations around gambling in Can. The following information displays the public attitude to the online casino games in Canada with the coverage of 89% of the respondents across the provinces of the country.

Slots Popularity among the Canadians

Last year, about 37% of those interviewed joined gambling charm, and overall 12% players visited betting rooms at least once a week or a month. The percentage of distribution of them among the states shows that 50% gamblers did stakes from New Brunswick, and 21% pressed key «Start» in Nova Scotia. To compare these figures with participants of larger regions, there wouldn’t appear a great difference – 41% of Ontario thrill lovers and 33% of Quebec province, correspondingly.

Play Consciously

Each province of the state invests great millions for the people to get acquainted with knowledge on odds and risks of playing and to make reasonable decisions. The Responsible Gaming Council developed the program of info stations to provide players with interactive information, named as “Mobile Access to Responsible Gambling Information” (MARGI).

The stations presented in Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and in Alberta are called the player awareness terminal.

Perception Studies

From the point of view of awareness, the casinos of other territories also are fairly strong. The largest scale of it – 91%, belongs to Quebec province. Comparing with other funs slots obviously dominate in the sense of knowing, participation, and share of spending. Table games stay second as to the level of perception, but their ratio of involvement depicts the essential priority – 76% against 27% of spinning machines.Online Casino Slots Statistics in Canada

Total Activity Participation Awareness

APA shows the percentage of engaged respondents who participate in each kind of online casino entertainment. So, slot machines reached the first place with 83%, “Blackjack, Roulette, Craps or Poker”- the second place with 71%, “Lottery tickets”- 52%.

Spending of Canadians

The financial summary (2014-2015) shows the ratio of 56% and 44% of the latest Canadians’ spending on gaming and amenities. The average sum $205.60 was taken as 100% of their expenses.

Gambling percentage (56%) is subdivided as miscellaneous activities – 10%, playing table games – 17%, slots – 30%.

Share of Other Online Casino Games

Mean spend for gambling (subnet, indicated by 746 respondents) from total $205.60 – appears as $124.40. Play slot machines – $77.8. Play table games like blackjack, roulette, craps or poker – $126.10.